Degrees |
Doctor of Medicine in Pathology (MD Pathology) Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) |
Dr Rupendra Thapa
Managing Director / Senior Consultant Pathologist
MD : Doctor of Medicine in Pathology (MD Pathology), 2010 from B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal.
MBBS : Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), 2003 from Kathmandu Medical College, Kathmandu University, Kathmandu ,Nepal.
1. Histopathological Study of Endoscopic Biopsies. Thapa R, Lakhey M, Yadav PK, Kandel P, Aryal C, Subba K . Original article. Journal of Nepal Medical Association 2013 Apr-Jun; Vol.52, Issue 190, 354-56.
2. Clinico-pathological study of Colorectal Carcinoma. Thapa R, Lakhey M, Yadav PK . Original article. Journal of Nepal Medical Association 2013 Jul-Sep; Vol.52, Issue 191, 449-2.
3. Sclerosing Haemangioma of The Lung: A case Report. Thapa R, Lakhey M, Shrestha U. Journal of Kathmandu Medical College 2012 ;Vol.1, Issue 1, 33-3.
4. Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis of Thyroid Swelling. Hirachand S, Maharjan M, Lakhey M, Thapa R, Kafle S. Journal of Pathology of Nepal 2013 Apr;Vol.3:433-36.
1. 60thAnnual Conference of Indian association of Pathologists and Microbiologists, December 2-4, 2011.
2. National and International Perspectives on Scientific Health Research 17th Oct 2011, Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC).
3. 7th South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists (SACA) Congress, Kathmandu, February 22-24, 2007.
1. Training and Workshop on Problem Based Learning at Kathmandu Medical college, duwakot 1-6 December 2013.
2. Primary trauma Care Management, world Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, November 2004.
3. Computer Based Mass Casualty Management Simulation Exercises, Jointly Organized by HMG/N, DHS, Epidemiology and Disease Control Division and WHO. August 2002.
1. Association of Clinical Pathologists of Nepal (ACPN).
2. Nepal Medical Association (NMA).